Taki Rua
Taki Rua Productions is a national, kaupapa Māori performing arts organisation based in Pōneke.
We produce, commission and develop theatre works through a distinctively Māori lens, while advocating for the wider industry.
Since 1983, Taki Rua has been an arts industry leader – a creative rule breaker, continually evolving the definition of Māori theatre.
We exist to connect the past and present and ensure Māori voices are heard worldwide.
Taki Rua generally produces at least 3 productions per year. Our Te Reo Māori tour into primary kura, our Tawhio Te Reo Tātarakihi that tours targeting ECE aged tamariki and their whānau, and a Main Bill Production, either locally produced or as a touring production.
We are always interested to hear about new works and ideas, so if you are an actor or a creator with an awesome pitch, do get in touch with us.
Taki Rua is an incorporated society that is governed by a volunteer board, with an operational team based in our offices – Te Haukāinga – in Taranaki Street.
Our Whānau
The Taki Rua whānau all play an important part in keeping the ahikā of Te Haukāinga burning.
See contact details below to get in touch with a specific member of our team.

Kaiwhakahaere Whakawhanake Taura Here
Partnerships and Audience Development Manager
Alexandra McKellar
(Ngāti Mutunga o wharekauri,
Te Ati Awa, Ngāi tahu)
Whānau Support
Kaitautoko Rorohiko | IT Support
Cohen Stephens
Ngā Kaiurungi / Board Members
Adrian Wagner (Chair)
Te Ātiawa, Te Whānau-ā-Āpanui, Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Apa,
Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Kahungunu
Jamie Ferguson
Taylor Terekia
Pearl Sidwell
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Te Āti Awa Taranaki Whānui, Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Roimata Tauroa
Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tuwharetoa,
Ngāti Kea - Ngāti Tuara